Whole Body Hyperthermia Therapy
Hyperthermia Therapy
Hyperthermia therapy, also called thermal medicine or thermotherapy, is a type of therapy in which body tissue is exposed to high temperature. Hyperthermia therapy can be applied locally or used as a whole body treatment.
Safe and non-toxic, the Hyperthermia therapies are done under medically supervised conditions with continuous monitoring of vital signs: blood pressure, PO2 (Saturation of O2 in blood), pulse rate and respiratory rate.
What is whole-body hyperthermia therapy?
IMH Gold Coast is proud to use the Heckel HT-3000 Whole Body Hyperthermia System. Body temperature plays a crucial role in the regulation of our immune system. A healthy organism responds to certain illnesses with regulated increases in temperature, which may progress to a high fever during the acute phase of disease. The onset of a fever triggers an enhanced immune response and is considered a natural temporary “immunological special event”.
The hyperthermia system is intended to be used to produce and control the delivery of mild heat. The system uses water-filtered infrared radiation to induce mild whole-body hyperthermia as an adjunct therapy to conventional treatment.
How does it work?
The Heckel HT-3000 Whole Body Hyperthermia System is a specially designed device in the form of a tent made of a flexible, thermally insulating material. While lying comfortably on the treatment table or bed, the tent is placed over the table with the patient inside during the IR radiation phase, with their head outside the tent. Radiation is able to penetrate the skin to a depth where the blood can absorb the heat and spread it throughout the tissue and organs. Subsequently the body’s core temperature is heated within 1-2 hours. Once the desired temperature has been reached, the tent walls can be folded down and wrapped on to the patient to maintain the elevated core temperature.
Hyperthermia therapy is always performed under supervised conditions with continuous monitoring of vital signs by registered nurses, including:
Blood pressure
PO2 (saturation of oxygen in the blood)
Pulse rate
Respiratory rate
Are the any potential Side Effects?
Hyperthermia therapy is non-invasive, but as with any medical treatment, may have undesirable side effects. Patients may feel flushed and thirsty after treatment and most problems they have with the treatment are not serious. The potential side effects will depend on the patient, what part of the body is treated and how high the temperature is raised. IMH Gold Coast will discuss all potential side effects prior to beginning the therapy.
Please Note: ** This therapy must be used only as directed, and if symptoms persist please seek medical advice**

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